
Worship Ministry

Word of faith worshippers is made up of a diverse team of individuals with different backgrounds, we invite others into an authentic expression of praise and adoration of God. We desire and strive to be true worshipers, worshiping in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him (John 4:23). We value and treasure God above all things, we actively seek to know God truly, for it is in this knowledge that we can respond from the heart, demonstrating the inner essence of worship, continually offering the sacrifice of praise to him, that is, the fruits of our lips and giving thanks to his holy name (Hebrews 13:15).

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Kids/Children Ministry

Our program is based on proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it”. We have fabulous kids focused programs for all ages. Our teachers are well versed, experienced and equipped to train your child. To experience a bit of it please visit us or our photo gallery.

Kids calendar events include our Weekly Sunday meetings, Easter programs, Fun day out to sky Zone, Bowling Alleys, Skating links, Beach day, family picnic Vocational bible school, Harvest night Party, and Christmas Kids extravaganza.

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Men ministry

Genesis I:26 Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” We believe Men were created by God with a special role on earth; to be priests in their homes, leaders and innovators, having dominion over their surroundings, to grow their sphere of influence and establish God’s kingship in their communities. To this end, men meet and fellowship over breakfast once every three months. We believe that Iron sharpens Iron. In these meetings, men uplift one another and discuss issues that pertain to men, like spiritual growth, family, life challenges, careers and business opportunities. .

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Royal Ladies Mission and Vision

ladiesThe acronym R.O.Y.A.L. stands for: Real. Obedient. Yielded. Adorned. Loved. We realized that God is only looking for willing/available vessels, not for our qualifications. We stand on Proverb 31:29 “Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all”. We acknowledge and appreciate the gifts and talents that God has graciously placed on every woman, and we partner with God so that we can all flourish in our calling. Our goal as a Ladies ministry is to reach out to women of all ages and nationalities through the love of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We want to build each other up and equip one another as we know to exercise who we are in Christ our Lord. Our greatest desire is to see every woman live to their highest/fullest potential and to do exploit . Read Daniel 11:32b.

Our motto: As Royal Ladies is to guard our crowns with dignity and guard our sisters’ crowns with the respect they deserve. Gossip has no room in our palace!

Our international vision: Outside the walls of our church, our communities, and our nation, lie millions of women both in developed and in developing countries, who are waiting for us to shed God’s light on their untapped potential. It is our vision as Royal Ladies to be instruments acting as a beacon of God’s unending love to them, guiding them, that they may sparkle as God made them to.

You are welcome to join us for tea fellowships after every Sunday service, our prayer meetings, book club, spa day, ladies breakfast, and in our popular annual Royal Ladies conference. Please check us out!!.

Marion Nganga(First Lady at Word of faith.)

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Youth ministry

With the help of our talented Youth Pastor, the youth group is involved in both in-reach and out-reach ministries. They are greatly involved in teaching the pre-teens and younger kids during regular services and during our church conferences. This has tremendously help them develop their leadership skills and model Christ like actions to those looking up to them

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