About Us

Intercessory prayers

We meet every Thursday 7pm -8:30pm for intercessory prayer. Intercessory prayers are conducted before all the weekly meeting.

Prayers and Fasting  

We believe in prar and fasting as a church. We have organized church fast and at times the intercessory group or the Pastor will call the Church to a fast based on the leading of the holy spirit. We begin every year with 40 days of prayer and fasting from the first week of January.Our Church teaches and practices different kinds of fast as found in the bible.

Prayer vigil

Every quarter the church holds a night of prayer. This is a great opportunity to spend uninterrupted time in the presence of God.

Intentional Intercessory

*Prayer for our Families *Prayers for the needs of our members *Prayer for the Nations *Prayer for the Leaders and our Church Leadership team. *Prayer for the universal Church of Jesus Christ *personal prayer as needed

WOF believes that all believers are adorned by God the creator, with a talent/gift to serve in His vineyard. As a result, the Ministry has presented different faucets where all members can serve their God and King at will.

Word of Faith Happy Church @2019 All rights reserved

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